Blueprints, Blumenthal, and a Pesky Piece of Parchment

Blueprints, Blumenthal, and a Pesky Piece of Parchment

It’s about activism, stupid.

The greatest “confirmation” going on in today’s SCOTUS hearing was the one highlighting the fact that Democrat Progressives like Chuck Schumer and his ilk are gloriously ignorant of even the most basic Constitutional knowledge, nor do they want any pesky Originalists on the highest bench in the land resurrecting that tired old worn-out piece of parchment.

Realizing that ranking member Senator Diane Feinstein’s, “the dogma lives loudly in you” was a failed strategy, the Dems opted to sound the healthcare alarm.

Blumenthal began by saying that an Amy Coney Barrett appointment would threaten gun control laws, abortion rights and health care laws. A Justice Barrett, he warned, “would ensure that all of these things are wiped away forever.”

From the time Trump first nominated Barrett to the 7th Circuit back in 2017, she’s embodied everything that most terrifies the power-hungry Dems: anti-activism and a strict adherence to interpreting the law as written; not helpful to their Constitution-shredding plans.

In the Dems’ desperate attempts to transform the courts into an activist arm of their party, they then shared this gem:

What we really need is some kind of ‘blueprint!’

“There’s no blueprint for the future,” Blumenthal illuminated, “the American people want a blueprint for the future!”

Oh, and he is so right. If only we had some sort of written document to guide us in such times of disagreement. And don’t all the smart people agree on this? Billionaire Tom Steyer, who was a 2020 Presidential candidate for about five minutes, also thought this “blueprint” thing was a great idea for our country and that someone with a lot of brains should definitely write one. And so he did: Steyer’s creatively entitled, “The Five Rights,” outlines the positive “rights” the benevolent Steyer Regime would bestow upon us.

Dems like Steyer, Pelosi, and the good Senators in ACB’s hearing are either complete Constitutional ignoramuses or they’re hand-wringing, cackling witches standing over their cauldron of Communist soup. Either way, they have the ear of millions of people who are listening and who also don’t have the Constitution in mind when it comes to issues analysis.

My guess is that Steyer hasn't considered the Constitution once in his whole life and actually thinks he's the first one to come up with the idea of having some kind of document that outlines the rights of citizens. The sheer stupidity required for that makes him first pick for the next Dumb and Dumber flick. But Feinstein, Schumer and Blumenthal aren't ignorant to the Constitution, they're well-aware, and they hate it. They're the lions, tigers and bears we should fear because they know what they want and they how to destroy the Constitution to get it: eliminate the electoral college, pack the Supreme Court, install activist judges (an Obama playbook favorite), paint the words of our Founders as outdated, racist dogma, destroy objective truth, and confuse the masses until nothing has any meaning.

Truth much?

The Schumers and Blumenthals of the world are betting that facts don’t matter because their base followers don’t know history or civics, and they’re right about that.

But newsflash: There is already a blueprint for the future. It’s the same one we’ve had for almost 250 years. It’s called the Constitution of the United States of America. The best hope we have for restoring sanctity to our governmental institutions is if our schools are instilled with Trump’s “1776” curriculum, because only an educated citizenry will see through this truth-twisting evil that Democrat Senators displayed today.

If and until then, Amy Coney Barrett will be appointed, and she will serve as a sober, Constitutional voice in the wilderness.

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