Swamp Creatures, Flawed Leaders, and A Grand Plan

Donald J. Trump has held over 600 MAGA rallies since his campaign began and throughout his presidency. I've watched many and attended the one shown above in Hickory, North Carolina. These rallies have served as Trump's source of strength. They've been filled with goodwill, with families and with prayer. With almost no exception, tens of thousands of people have gathered each time and shared a truly inspiring spirit of faith, hope and love. With each rally, the President has gotten to know us a little bit. And we him. There's something really genuine coming out of this movement. Something good.
Throughout his presidency and in spite of all the slings and arrows, Trump the 74-year-old man has been tireless. Fearless. Brave. He's been misunderstood, mischaracterized, and misrepresented. He gave up a good life for a thankless task with an uncertain outcome. He's been both revered and despised. He's perhaps the most memorable and polarized figure in modern American history.
Many say that he's being led by the hand of God, that the Almighty is working through this man for His own ends, while others look at the same man and see the personification of everything they hate. Besides the countless Liberals and Progressives who openly loath him, thousands of righteous "RINOS" have joined their ranks. During the campaign and even now, I've spoken with Conservative friends who say things like, "God would never choose a man like Trump, just look at him, he's vile, crude, and arrogant." "Did you know he's been married three times? And he cheats!" they say with disgust. Not at all the sort of flawed individual worthy of God's work, right?
I submit that he is EXACTLY the sort of man whom God would use. All we have to do to know this is to take God's word for it. God used flawed people all the time for His purpose. Moses was a stutterer; he was the last person you'd pick to give grandiose and inspiring speeches. But God said, "I will speak through you." David was a womanizer and a murderer but he was a great warrior whom God made King over Israel. There are far too many examples to list but the evidence is clear: God loves turning flawed people into heroes of all kinds.
A blog by OS Hillman says, "If God wanted to drain the swamp of cronyism, corruption, and power-mongering, He would have to have a leader that is very tough-skinned, narcissistic, and brash. He would have to have a leader who was super-confident in his abilities. He would have to have a leader like Donald Trump to get things done."
Donald Trump has evolved in his walk with God. You can see it over this past four years. And so yes, with all of his flaws, he has been the right man for the right time in God's time.
Martin Luther King Jr. said it perfectly: "Use me, God. Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, and what I can do, and use it for a purpose greater than myself."
President Trump has been such a man in this time.
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Dr. Richard v. Stegau —
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