Billionaires, Back-room Plans, and Soylent Green

It’s the most powerful club in the world.
It began eleven years ago at a secret meeting in New York, where an elite cabal of global billionaires gathered to solve the world’s problems. The meeting, organized by Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and David Rockefeller, included the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Ted Turner and George Soros.
The days of the uber-rich improving their communities and neighborhoods by building a school or donating a new hospital wing are today small potatoes, replaced with the biggest prize of all: a stake in global governance.
Galvanized by issues like overpopulation, education, government reform and the climate crises, “The Good Club” is a telling group of bedfellows whose alliance gave birth to the so-called, “public-private partnership” of the the global age, a true wolf-in-sheep’s clothing, as an idea that’s cloaked in benevolence but is in fact a powerful group of unelected, unaccountable human beings with the money and connections to craft whatever vision of daily life they wish to impose upon the rest of us.
In the words of Alanis Morrisette, “Isn’t it ironic” that these billionaires, who reaped fortunes from the rewards of free-market capitalism, now want to reorganize the world in the image of big-government solutions where only the highest echelons have a say.
Flash-forward to 2020
“The Good Club” has made a lot of progress while we were all at work. It's their surge toward what they dub as, “philanthro-capitalism” that should be of concern. "Why?" you say, "Philanthropy is great, right?" The problem with “The Good Club” is not the they want to do good, the problem is that they get to define “good,” for everyone.
Where’s the accountability?
On April 5 of this year, Bill Gates went on Fox News Sunday and said, “Life in the U.S., will not return to ‘normal’ until a coronavirus vaccine is gotten out to basically the entire world…before then, if we do the right things, we’ll be able to open up significant parts of the economy.”
In a stunning modern-day version of, “Let them eat cake,” payroll giant Steve Sarowitz waxes sentimental about the good side to COVID: “…it shows how interconnected we all are and that we all must rely on each other and work together to fight it. Also, with less travel, families will be spending more time at home together. I’m personally thrilled to be getting a respite from my heavy travel schedule…” He then goes on to cite how “plagues and earthquakes increase our belief in God” and help us to be less materialistic.
And really, who among us isn't thankful to be off of those tedious Lear Jets, happily ensconced behind our ivy-covered mansion walls, feasting on baked brie and apples? The flippancy of Sarowitz’ remarks is truly staggering and belies the ignorance to the many unintended consequences of shutting down the economy: children stuck in abusive homes, family businesses shut down, social interaction cut off, the lost comradery of sports and the lessons they teach our young people, and so much more.
All of this is to say...
...that just like Soylent Green, “The Good Club” is made of people, not gods or overlords with great insight into our souls or heroes to humanity’s every problem. “The Good Club” is made up of a tiny number of people with a Progressive agenda for the world population and the money and power to see it through. Think about that.
Our Founders understood the tyranny of giving too few men too much power in government. The danger of “The Good Club” is no different.
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